qrcd.to is a web service to generate QR codes from the terminal. Written in go, hosted using Pulumi on AWS Cloundfront, API Gateway and Lambda.
hepster, Rostock, Germany
Hepster is an insuretec company developing embedded insurance products. It allows it's partners to easily integrate insurances into their customer journey while hiding the complexity of underwriting, contract management and claims handling. One important partner is the hepster webshop.
Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung, Rostock, Germany
Anoxic layers and layers with high H2S in the Baltic sea occur naturally in phases of limited mixing of sea water. Measurements of oxygen and H2S values are done at specific positions multiple times a year. GisAnox interpolates from these limited data points using kriging, flood fill or values from the nearest station to calculate layer boundaries. Taking into account the bathymetry data, the areas can be output as polygons or points in a shapefile. The surface area can be calculated taking into account a coordinate reference system.
3D Viewer
Fraunhofer IGD-R, Rostock, Germany
Web viewer to cast scanned models from a Google Tango Tablet to a web browser for technology demonstrations.
360° Image Viewer
Fraunhofer IGD-R, Rostock, Germany
The 360° Image Viewer allows viewing photospheres from a 360° camera in a web browser using x3dom. By combining multiple photospheres in a spacial relationship, a virtual walkthrough can be created with smooth transitions between the spheres. To highlight details, clickable objects can be defined in the photospheres.
https://casesize.com/ was a visualisation of PC case sizes that shows front, side and top view as well as the volume as simple graphs. The project is intended as a learning experience with ember.js and D3.
University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Digital preservation must ensure continued, authentic long-term access to digital objects in a usable form. This requires preservation actions to be carried out when the original environment of digital objects is unavailable. A variety of preservation actions exist, but each shows specific peculiarities, and a variety of factors influence the decision.
The planning tool Plato is a web-based decision support tool that implements a solid preservation planning process and integrates services for content characterisation, preservation action and automatic object comparison in a service-oriented architecture to provide maximum support for preservation planning endeavours.
The development of Plato was partially supported by the SCAPE project. The Plato source is available on GitHub. As part of The SCAPE preservation lifecycle it was awarded "Best Demonstration" at Digital Libraries 2014.
Elis Tournament System
University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Elis is a web-based tournament system developed as part of the lecture "Advanced Software Engineering". It helps organisers of sports tournaments with registration of participants, automatic scheduling of matches and collection of match results. Plug-ins allow extending Elis with different sports.
University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Photohawk is a Java implementation of SSIM and other image comparison algorithms for image quality assurance. It can either be used as a command line program or as a Taverna plugin for use in a workflow.
The Photohawk source is available on Github.
Twitter Ads
University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Twitter-ads was developed as part of the lecture "Advanced Internet Computing". Using a relational database, document based database and graph database to collect tweets, the web-based tool can be used to analyse relationships between twitter users based on hashtags, re-tweets and mentions. Keywords in tweets can be used to suggest ads for twitter users.
SAP Plant Maintenance Client
University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
As part of the bachelor thesis, a client was developed to access maintenance orders in the SAP Plant Maintenance module used at the University of Technology.
SAP Supplier Self-Assessment
Thyssen Krupp Presta, Eschen, Liechtenstein
To mitigate the risk of a supply disruption the Supplier Self-Assessment report shows a score for each supplier. The assessment is based on current and past financial data as well as projections of future performance reported by the suppliers.
SAP Plant Data Collection
Thyssen Krupp Presta, Eschen, Liechtenstein
Development of a transaction for plant data collection with a focus on user experience. Orders are entered via a barcode scanner and start- and stop-times are logged by the machine operator. Concurrent orders are taken into account when calculating the personnel- and machine-times.
VSWAT - Web Employee and Customer Portal
VRZ Informatik GmbH, Dornbirn, Austria
Development of a web-portal for employees and customers. The portal allows access to various network management and monitoring tools as well as documentation.
The portal menu is simplified dynamically based on the menu hierarchy and access permissions. Users can be members of multiple groups. These groups are in turn structured hierarchically and a group inherits all permissions from its subgroups. Altough permissions are usually granted on a group level, they can be modified for single users.
All text of the portal is translated through the language system